API reference

form2request.form2request(form: FormElement | Selector | SelectorList, data: FormdataType = None, *, click: None | bool | HtmlElement = None, method: None | str = None, enctype: None | str = None) Request

Return request data for an HTML form submission.

form must be an instance of parsel.selector.Selector or parsel.selector.SelectorList that points to an HTML form, or an instance of lxml.html.FormElement.

data should be either a dictionary or a list of 2-item tuples indicating the key-value pairs to include in the request as submission data. Keys with None as value exclude matching form fields.

click can be any of:

  • None (default): the first submission element of the form (e.g. a submit button) is used to build a request for a click-based form submission.

    If no submission elements are found, the request is built for a non-click-based form submission, i.e. a form submission triggered by a non-click event, such as pressing the Enter key while the focus is in a single-line text input field of the form.

  • True behaves like None, but raises a ValueError exception if no submission element is found in the form.

  • False builds a request for a non-click-based form submission.

  • A submit button of form, to build a request for a form submission based on the clicking of that button.

    On forms with multiple submit buttons, specifying the right button here may be necessary.

method and enctype may be used to override matching form attributes.

class form2request.Request(url: str, method: str, headers: list[tuple[str, str]], body: bytes)

HTTP request data.

body: bytes
headers: list[tuple[str, str]]
method: str

Convert the request to web_poet.HttpRequest.

All kwargs are passed to web_poet.HttpRequest as is.


Convert the request to requests.PreparedRequest.

All kwargs are passed to requests.Request as is.

to_scrapy(callback, **kwargs)

Convert the request to scrapy.Request.

All kwargs are passed to scrapy.Request as is.

url: str